Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just own it!

The last few weeks I have been blogging about current fashion trends, what to wear, what to avoid but my main goal in all of this is to have people wearing what makes them feel good about how they look. Some people follow the seasonal trends to a T, others have ignored them since they were old enough to make the choice. The majority are probably somewhere in the middle. These posts have been aimed towards those that don't follow what is going on in the world of fashion but are interested in changing, updating or making some minor adjustments to what they have hanging in their closets. I, for one, tend to have a clean-lined wardrobe in mostly gray's, blacks, and denim and update season to season with a new punch of color or print and perhaps the newest length of skirt, latest shape of a sleeve, or most up-to-date cut of pant. Otherwise I stick to my basics. That and my accessories. I don't care what the "experts" are saying about jewelry and footwear, I LOVE my chunky jewels and boots. Even if they have been permanently delegated to the "out list", I will keep them in my wardrobe as they are who I am, how I define myself and what others know as my statement pieces.

Many famous people in the arts, choose to wear all kinds of interesting ensembles and although the fashion critics have lots to say, most of us pay no mind to what they are wearing because they love their style and therefore own it. If your favorite thing is your pleated, cuffed khaki's worn with Nikes, then so be it. If your go-to accessory is a pair of leg warmers with harem pants, then you go. The key is to own your look. It is yours, work it!

Here are some folks that own their look and we know them for it. No matter how bold or simple, this should be the key to fashion for all.

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